Save Time and Money with Centralized Information Management

It’s a competitive world out there and whether you’re an architect, engineer or contractor, the need to organize project information effectively has never been more critical to your bottom line. Organized information saves you time, and saving time saves money. It’s simple when you put it like that. Deltek Project Information Management provides project management and collaboration tools designed to help employees access critical project information so they can keep teams connected throughout the entire project lifecycle. And, it goes beyond the project.

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Project Information Management helps firms organize hundreds of files across all aspects of their business in one central location, giving companies the organization, visibility and intelligence to run their businesses smarter.

Benefits of PIM by Role

As an executive, you need complete transparency and visibility, so you can make the best decisions for your business. If silos of information exist resulting in disconnected teams, you risk communication breakdowns and the loss of critical data. In order to mitigate risk, you must ensure that information sharing is not only effective across teams and projects, but also across departments firm-wide, so you can manage beyond the project.

Deltek Project Information Management provides the tools you need to manage your business in the smartest way—enabling you to improve efficiency, reduce operating costs and increase productivity.

One of the biggest challenges project managers face is juggling competing priorities. You have a lot on your plate and expectations are high, so it can be very frustrating when internal processes and communications breakdowns impede collaboration and slow team progress. It’s common for information silos to exist within teams, which can have a detrimental impact, especially if someone leaves and you realize critical data is trapped in their inbox. As a project manager, a disconnected team is a huge concern because it can result in activities that waste billable time and drag down firm-wide utilization.

You need tools that can help you overcome these obstacles and more. Deltek Project Information Management provides you with a central hub for sharing all information across the team. It enables effective collaboration, increasing team efficiency and ridding you of the administrative and data management tasks that are demanding hours of your time each day. With that weight off your shoulders and time back on your calendar, you can accomplish your goals and be successful—ensuring client satisfaction by delivering projects on time and within budget.

As an Information Technology professional, a lot of people depend on your expertise and you probably feel like there is never enough time in your day. You need a solution that will empower your users and enable you to spend less time performing maintenance and troubleshooting. Instead, you’ll spend the time you saved getting work done.

Deltek Project Information Management allows teams to work together very collaboratively—utilizing a user-friendly, centralized file sharing system that promotes exchanging information with ease amongst team members. Spending less time helping employees manage hundreds of files, and their email inbox capacity issues, reduces the burden on your IT resources. With Deltek Project Information Management, you have more time to focus on your other important tasks and strategic initiatives.


Discover which KPIs are needed for efficient growth of your project-based business and how to measure them.

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